Sunday 1 February 2015

87% of the charities and social service providers losing funding

From the Blog
Thousands of vital community sector jobs could disappear this year and "hundreds of charities and social service providers across Australia are facing the prospect of shutting down" in the wake of the Abbott Government’s cuts of $271 million dollars in funding to the sector through the Department of Social Services (DSS). 
The cuts were first announced in the federal budget last year, but the ABC is now reporting that of the 5,500 not-for-profits that applied for DSS funding in 2014, only 700 organisations have been selected to receive funding in the year ahead.
Let's look at that last bit again... Four thousand eight hundred not-for-profit organisations will lose their funding. 4800. That's more than 87% of the charities and social service providers losing funding.
This goes far beyond austerity into criminal disregard, and is part of the huge funding cuts mentioned in the Domestic Violence post.

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