Thursday 5 February 2015

Ethical jobs - only in the office?

There's a site here in Oz that posts jobs from ethical companies - that is, to quote from their site 'about' page,
"a job-search site for people who want to work for a better world.  We list community jobs, environmental jobs, not-for-profit jobs and social enterprise jobs that contribute to a more equitable, more just or more sustainable world."
There's only one thing. There are only white collar jobs on there - office work, basically. That and some work in the mental health industry make up the total ethical jobs market, apparently.

So what about us blue collar workers? The tradies, the labourers, the line workers and machine minders, the factory workers and the rest of us who don't work in the office? Where are the ethical companies we can work for?

We want to work for a better world too. We want a sustainable world. We don't want to have to carry on working for the grasping, greedy, money-first, people last corporations that are so often the only option for those who don't have the degrees, the swivel chairs, and the healthy monitor tans.

 Where can we work? Where are the ethical manufacturers, the caring corporations, the employee-friendly factories? Give us somewhere to work too! I would take a wage cut to work there if I knew the company was using that money to better the environment instead of paying huge bonuses to their CEO's when they manage to squeeze another drop of blood from the workforce.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping its not because there's such a lack of ethical places :-/
