Friday, 1 January 2016

Obama planning executive measures on gun control

I'll be honest, if you love your guns, this is not going to be your fave post.
President Barack Obama, frustrated by Congress' inaction on gun control, will meet with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday to discuss ways of reducing gun violence unilaterally through measures that do not require congressional approval.

For me, it's about fucking time! The US has the most horrendous record on gun violence that's more like that in a 3rd world country than the "leader of the free world" they think they are.

It's well past time to put controls in place. This doesn't have any impact on your precious amendment, as you are not a 'well regulated' militia. That's the problem, there IS no bloody regulation.

Gun control does not mean abolishing guns, it just means that there are less guns available, and it's harder to obtain them. It means people on the 'no fly' list as suspected terrorists can't get guns - a move which the NRA blocked recently as it would infringe on their rights. It means RESPONSIBLE gun use, with proper storage and none of this bullshit keeping it in your bedside drawer for any thief or unbalanced offspring to take. It means not having assault weapons, which are only of use to the military while on deployment, and nutjobs looking to shoot up a school!

If you're a farmer, or have a property, or hunt, then you have a reason to own hunting weapons. I can see no actual need for any city dweller to own a handgun. In most cases where they are used as 'protection', it backfires on the possessor of the weapon, or gets innocent bystanders killed.

If you want to keep your guns, keep them safe. Use a gun safe. Store ammunition responsibly. make it impossible for any interloper to take your guns. Maybe then I'll have some sympathy with you. But bleating about your precious amendment while kids are getting shot at in job lots just makes me SICK.

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