Friday, 8 May 2015

An open letter to the Lib Dems in the UK

To the Liberal Democrats​ party in the UK, I would like to say this:

The results of this election, at least as far as the Lib Dems go, were clear to me all the way back to the last election. You were the party with integrity, the party we were hoping would give us something new in politics in the UK. You were the only hope we had of breaking the deadlock of the 2-party system.

You chose, with the seats you gained, to enter into coalition with the Conservatives. You promised us you would be the brake on their ambitions, you promised us you would ensure their policies were fair and that the policies we had voted for as Lib Dem supporters would be a part of the coalition package.

You lied.

Your integrity was the one thing that you could never have bought, but you traded it for a single term of power - power with which you did NOTHING. You did not push through the proposals and promises we had voted for. You were not the brake on the Tory wagon. You allowed them to rape our country and shatter our economy. It's no surprise that the richest in the UK have doubled their income while those at the bottom have faced the longest period of falling income in decades, is it?

You were the ones who could have changed that. You chose instead to grub in the trough with the rest of the fat cats.

Never. Again.

Of all the UK parties, you are now ranked 4th from bottom on my list, above only the Tories, UKIP and BNP. Try not to slip any further.

A former Lib Dem voter.